Modern Prospecting, Farming & Marketing to Get More Listings

If you want more listings, this is the training for you! We're diving into the marketing ideas that you can take action on to attract more sellers and stand out in your local market. From setting your strategy to the specific marketing templates to leverage, you'll walk away with not just ideas but a plan to get more listings!

  • The marketing strategy that gets listing opportunities

  • Creative marketing ideas you can do to attract more sellers

  • How to farm a neighborhood with print, digital, and event marketing

  • Tools to use when prospecting & farming

  • Ways to engage your sphere using CMAs & more

  • Social media & video content to share

  • How to use the templates in The Marketing Suite

  • Get access to a collection of exclusive listing-generating templates

When & Where:

  • May 23rd 2:30PM EST/11:30AM PST

  • How To RSVP for Live Sessions & Access The Full Training:
    This training is exclusive to members of The Marketing Suite! If you’re not a member, be sure to join below using discount code TRAINING50 for 50% off your first month!


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