How to Engage your REALTORยฎ Sphere with Social Media Marketing
This post originally aired as a podcast!
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Your sphere is one of the greatest assets you have in your real estate business, and like everyone else, they're probably on social. Yet, many agents focus their social media strategies on attracting new customers. So they create content for active home buyers and sellers and rely on their sphere remembering they're a REALTORยฎ.
However, if you want to truly engage your sphere for repeat and referral business, it pays to have a strategy that's targeted specifically to them. That way, your sphere doesn't tune out what you're posting, and you don't lose out on business!
Think about all the people you know - friends, family, casual acquaintances, and past customers - and how many you are connected to on social. All of those people are opportunities for you to generate business. But if you are constantly "selling" to people who don't have an active real estate need, they're likely to ignore what you're posting or potentially unfollow & unfriend you.
You have to keep it interesting to keep people interested!
So in today's episode, you'll learn how to create a strategy that works to engage your sphere.
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But before we get into exactly what to share and how to create a strategy that works to engage your sphere, it's important to take a step back and talk about your account setup. I often have agents ask me, "should I use a personal or business account for my social media marketing?"
Should You Use a Business or Personal Account for Social as a REALTORยฎ?
The answer to this question is a personal one. If you want to share photos of your family or private moments and don't want the world to see, then a dedicated personal account might make sense for you. However, let's say you have a personal Facebook account. If you don't actively engage your sphere on that account with the goal of drumming up business, then you are missing out! It's possible to have a balanced strategy when it comes to the content you share.
But as a general rule of thumb, it can be challenging to keep up with multiple accounts from personal to business. So, if you're looking for a streamlined approach, I recommend:
You have 1 personal Facebook account. Here you can friend those you know and past customers. You can also leverage the "audience" feature on Facebook. So, if you want to share something that only your close family and friends see, you can create an audience of just those people and share posts for them.
You have 1 Instagram page that you use for business. On this page, you can share a mixture of content so people get to know you and you can promote your real estate business.
Optional - you have a Facebook Business Page only if you want to run ads. Since the organic reach is so low for Facebook Business Pages, I only recommend them if you want to actively run ads on Facebook or are a team, brokerage, etc.
If you follow this strategy, you won't be overwhelmed by different types of accounts and keeping up with posting on all of them.
As many of you know, Instagram is my favorite platform for REALTORSยฎ. It's a platform where you can develop your brand as an agent, engage with people you already know, and also attract people you don't. With a personal Facebook account, you don't have the same free exposure that you have on Instagram.
So, when we're thinking about engaging your sphere on social, it's essential that you first think about where your sphere currently is and how you are leveraging the platform they're on. It might be a mindset shift for you to start incorporating content into your personal accounts to actively get your sphere engaged, but trust me - it works!
Take Time to Friend & Follow
After you've determined where you'll be posting, it's important that you proactively connect with your sphere on social.
It's not enough to say "follow me," you need to get out there and follow and friend your sphere. So time block an afternoon to do just that. If you've never done this before, get out your database and make sure you're friends on Facebook and following the Instagram accounts of your sphere. On Facebook, once you send a friend request, that's all you need to do. However, with Instagram, they might not immediately follow you back. So, if you find this is the case, send them a DM or comment on one of their posts, so they see you and want to follow you back.
As you work with new customers and they become part of your sphere, make sure you regularly do this exercise. It might make sense to do it as you work with new customers, once a week, or at the end of the month. However you approach this task, make sure it is scheduled and part of your routine.
Another idea is to include a chance to connect with you on social on home buyer or sellers intake forms. You could simply ask, "Would you like to connect on social? If so, please answer with your username."
From here, they might not be interested. That's why you have to give them a reason to follow you. So, you could change that up to
"Would you like to connect on social? I share almost daily tips for my buyers & sellers, market updates, insights into our community, and so much more! If so, please answer with your username."
You'll notice that I gave a preview of some of the content that you'll share. While tips for buyers & sellers would help an active customer, market updates and insights into the community are things people might continue to be interested in.
What Type of Social Content to Share for Your Sphere
If your sphere has recently bought or sold a home with you or has no plans to do so anytime soon, they likely won't be interested in traditional content geared towards buyers and sellers. You have to engage them in other ways!
I have a unique strategy for figuring out exactly what type of content to post that I go over comprehensively in IG Unlocked for Real Estate, my Instagram marketing course, that will work for you, your market, and your customers & sphere.
{Click here to learn more & join IG Unlocked for Real Estate!}
But in a nutshell, there's a wide range of topics you could talk about on social. Yet, I recommend that we still stay real estate focused. That way, what you share is tied back to real estate without you always having to say, "I'm a Realtor! Work with me!"
However, "real estate focused" doesn't just mean active listings and buyer & seller tips. There are many aspects related to real estate, including your local community, home, and lifestyle content. And of course, you! So, you can easily share:
Local Community Content: Brand yourself as your community expert by sharing all things local. This establishes your expertise while sharing content that your sphere will be interested in. Some ideas are:
Community Overviews: even if somebody already lives somewhere, seeing the area positively highlighted is not only shareable content, but also content that puts a smile on people's faces.
Upcoming Developments: everyone loves to know what's on the horizon. Attend chamber events, get involved in the economic development boards, or simply be in tune with local news so you can share when something new is coming to the area.
Lifestyle Tips: If your area is known for an activity or attraction, embrace it! Whether it's apple picking or skiing, show off how locals enjoy the lifestyle.
Events: Sharing upcoming events is an easy way to tie yourself into your local community while sharing content your sphere would be interested in. Bonus points if you go to the event, film a video or Reel, and share your experience. Remember, people are looking to follow other people, not just event timelines.
Home and Lifestyle Content: Share all things home decor and tips for around the home to engage your sphere while effortlessly relating back to 'home'. Some ideas are:
DIY Projects: Try your hand at a home improvement project or share ideas for others to do the same.
Decor or Style: There's a reason why people can't get enough of T.V. shows where they redecorate a home! So share your most Instagramable or Pinterest-worthy interiors and share in the caption how they can achieve a similar look.
Lifestyle Reels & Videos: Take it one step further and create an Instagram Reel or a video featuring all things home! These types of videos not only perform on the platform well, they're also an entertaining way to engage your sphere!
Share the Business Boosting Social Kit: I understand that finding the perfect interior photo or home improvement project can be challenging. You first have to take the photo, then film the video or Reel, edit your content, and then write a captivating caption.
I've done this work for you in my Business Boosting Social Kit - complete with 50 done-for-you posts! The Kit includes captivating Reels that highlight home and lifestyle content, stunning photos and related captions like the ROI of home improvement projects, plus templates as well! Click here to get your Kit today - use code PODCAST for 10% off.
Personal Branding Content: Your daily life and experiences as a REALTORยฎ are something people are truly interested in. So, instead of viewing "agent branding" as sharing graphics with your logo on it. Consider personal branding as a way to show off who you are and an opportunity for connection, because people are genuinely interested in other people and what they're up to - especially your sphere! Learn more about agent branding here. Some ideas to share are:
Behind the Scenes: Head to Instagram Stories, create a Reel, or simply share a photo with a behind-the-scenes moment on social. It could be as simple as sharing your morning routine to an inside look at getting ready for an open house.
Share Videos: Videos are an excellent way for you to stay top of mind with your sphere. Even if the topic isn't related to something they're immediately interested in, you being on camera peeks attention! So, consider filming casual videos of yourself and sharing regularly.
Getting to Know You Prompts: Lastly, let people get to know you better with fun facts and info about yourself that people might not have known. For example, you could share "3 reasons Why you Became a Realtor" or "Your Take on Popular Trends."
Share the Business Boosting Social Kit: And of course, I have to mention that my Business Boosting Social Kit includes prompts and fun templates for you to grow your personal brand while developing relationships! Two of my favorite templates are the "Meet Your Realtor" and "Fave Interior Design Style," which make it easy to show off your personality, engage your sphere, and also brand yourself! Get yours today - use code PODCAST for 10% off.
If you combine local community, home and lifestyle, and personal branding content, you'll have a winning combination! Not only does this type of content engage your sphere, it also works to attract potential buyers and sellers! That way, you can be even more efficient with your marketing while still being strategic.
Make Time to Engage Back
Now, while a content strategy that attracts your sphere is key for social media marketing, it doesn't stop there. You have to give as much as you want to get when it comes to social. So, make sure that you are actively engaging with your sphere's posts on social as well. Respond to their Instagram Stories, comment on their posts, send them DMs, and go above and beyond simply liking their posts.
This does two things. First, it signals to your sphere that you're genuinely interested in them as well. You're not just there to get business from them, but you care about them personally. This approach fosters relationships that naturally lead to closings. Second, when you engage with your sphere, this sends a signal to the social algorithms that you're connected and want to see each other's content.
So, if you feel like your sphere isn't engaging with your posts, ask yourself if you are engaging with theirs? Because the more you engage with each other, the more social platforms like Instagram and Facebook will show you each other's content.
Mindset Moving Forward
And if you're serious about proactively engaging your sphere on social, I encourage you right now to get into the mindset of doing just that. It's not enough to want to do it. You have to make it happen. So, follow today's "S" tips of:
Setting up the right type of social accounts
Scheduling time to friend & follow your sphere
Share content that strategically engages your sphere
Spend time engaging back
And be consistent with it!
Engaging your sphere on social can easily lead to repeat and referral business. But we don't want them to forget about you! Keep the relationship going naturally by leveraging social media to strategically engage and foster those relationships. And if you'd like a shortcut to ready-to-share content, a planned social calendar, and more, make sure you look into my Business Boosting Social Kit -- use code PODCAST for 10% off.
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Why Instagram Marketing is an Advantage for Modern REALTORSยฎ
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