The Free Weekly Marketing Action Plan for Consistency & Results

weekly marketing action plan for realtors

This post originally aired as a podcast!
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Marketing is fuel for businesses, especially in real estate. We know that with consistent, strategic marketing, we can attract more home buyers and sellers, engage your sphere for repeat and referral business, and keep the pipeline filling for sustainable results. Yet, why can marketing be such a challenge?

There's always a new strategy to try and never enough time in the day to get it all done. You have these big goals and dreams, and your marketing should support them! Yet, time after time, marketing can become overwhelming, frustrating, and challenging to accomplish. I've had enough of that and think you have to. So, in today's episode, I'm revealing a new way to approach your week by focusing on key tasks designed to give you a doable action plan every week.

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I'll be the first to admit that marketing can get complicated! I've talked to so many agents over the years who struggle with identifying marketing that will work to accomplish their goals and then actually executing on those marketing ideas. If that resonates with you, know that it's not you that's at fault. You're trying to accomplish big things! The issue is the approach to executing your marketing!

If you have a lot of big ideas and a vague plan, it's going to be incredibly difficult to actually be consistent with your marketing. I've said it time and time again, but you need a real estate marketing plan to ensure that what you want to do with your marketing will help you reach the right people and align with your business. And I still highly recommend you complete that exercise. But I want to make it even more approachable for you to make progress with your marketing. I want you to have a clear plan each week where you know exactly what to do and that these tasks lead to more closings.

That's why I'm pleased to introduce my newest (completely free!) resource, my Weekly Marketing Action Plan!

Weekly Marketing Action Plan

Get the system to easily plan your week by focusing on key tasks each week

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    Inside, I'm breaking down key tasks to accomplish each week where you narrow your focus to ensure you get them done! To download your free copy of the Weekly Marketing Action Plan, click here.

    How Weekly Marketing Action Plan Works

    For most agents, consistency is the number one problem they have with their marketing. But the solution to the problem isn't necessarily to work harder - it's to work smarter! By focusing on key marketing tasks, you'll eliminate distractions and efforts that are a waste of your time - causing you overwhelm and frustration. 

    My Weekly Marketing Action Plan streamlines your marketing & gives you clarity moving forward. From there, you can accomplish the key tasks that will lead to your big goals! So, instead of having a list of marketing tasks a mile long and ideas all over the place, you'll focus on few key marketing tasks and actually get them done. 

    Inside the freebie, you'll find instructions, two examples for inspiration, marketing task ideas, and your fill-in template to use each week. The actual template for your Weekly Marketing Action Plan is just one page, and I designed it this way for a reason! 

    It's not overly complicated, and it forces you to make progress on tasks that are strategic by following the five key category prompts. You'll also find that there's not a lot of room to fill in marketing tasks. And that's because if you try to do too much, you're more likely to fail. You won't be consistent because it's impossible to get it all done. This approach identifies just a few key marketing tasks, assigns deadlines, and sets you up for success! 

    The Five Key Marketing Task Categories

    I would never recommend you pick random marketing ideas and add them to your to-do list. Even if this to-do list is just one page long, those marketing ideas might not actually get results.

    To help guide you with choosing marketing tasks that will get results, I've identified five key categories you should focus on (and this is how the Weekly Marketing Action Plan is organized).

    Each week, I recommend you focus on:

    • Social media marketing: you need to be focused on social to attract new customers, build your agent brand, and even engage with those you already know. By making this form of marketing forefront, you'll ensure that you're showing up and that consistency will pay off!

    • Engaging your sphere: it's not enough to say, "I appreciate your referrals!" You need to proactively stay connected to those you know & past customers by engaging purposefully and continuing to provide value. 

    • Lead generation strategies: this is where you are actively promoting working with you with a clear call-to-action and a path forward that's relevant to your ideal customer

    • Listings attraction & promotion: whether you have a listing or want to generate more, focusing on this category will maximize your exposure and lead to more listings!

    • Learning: the best investment you can make is in yourself. By setting aside time for learning every week, the ROI of your marketing efforts will continue to grow and lead to more closings!

    You'll find that if you consider your own business goals, these categories can be directly applied to them. You can also use each category to try creative, innovative approaches like short-form video (like Reels)modern branding on social, and more! On the other hand, there's also room for approaches like open houses, personal notes, relationship builders, and traditional approaches. You have the flexibility inside of the structure to be successful. 

    Choosing Key Tasks & Setting Deadlines

    Now that you know the five categories you'll be focusing on for the week, you can pick the actual marketing tasks inside them. 

    This is the part where it's tempting to jot down a long list of marketing tasks you want to accomplish. However, I recommend you focus on at least one task for each category every week to start. Once you've mastered getting those tasks done and finding your flow, then add on, but I'd advise you to stay under three tasks for each category. 

    You'll also set a deadline to accomplish each task. This allows you to realistically look at your schedule and all you need to do, and hold yourself accountable by assigning a deadline. 

    Let's look at an example for the social media category. In the template, you'll find a box for social media. On the left side, you can list your key tasks you want to accomplish for social, and on the right you assign a deadline for the week. Here's an example outlined below: 

    I have examples for each of the five key categories and a list of marketing task ideas that you can find inside the Weekly Marketing Action Plan freebie, so I won't list them all here. But know that each of the five categories will follow this approach. You identify the key tasks and simply assign a day of the week to accomplish it.

    It's a straightforward approach that ensures you're focusing on the right tasks each week and holding yourself accountable!

    Achieving Consistency & Results

    The beauty of this tool is that it's adaptable for your business and goals. If you are focusing on attracting a specific type of customer or geographic farming (watch the target marketing training here), you can leverage this template to guide your marketing efforts. As your business grows and the year evolves, you can adapt the plan as well. 

    You can rest assured that the tasks you complete each week are designed to help you accomplish your overall goals because they're guided by the strategic categories that are proven to build businesses.

    And one of the best parts? Instead of looking at an overwhelming, long list of what you want to accomplish, you're taking it week by week. You know exactly what you need to do each day, and you can check those tasks off your to-do list. This more manageable approach will boost your confidence and lead to consistency because it's practical and doable.

    I'm proud to offer this resource because it will clearly guide you each week and set you up for success. So, be sure to download your copy โคต๏ธ

    Weekly Marketing Action Plan

    Get the system to easily plan your week by focusing on key tasks each week

      Never spammy. Always value. Unsubscribe any time.

      What You Get In the Weekly Marketing Action Plan

      When you download your copy, you'll get the PDF guide and a mini-video tutorial from me. You'll find instructions on how to fill out your weekly plan and see examples of two different filled-in plans. I created one example for any agent to use for inspiration, but I also included one example for members of The Marketing Suite so they can see how easily they can apply Marketing Suite resources and content to their weekly action plan. There's also a list of marketing task ideas for each category to give you inspiration and guidance moving forward.

      I hope you take advantage of this exclusive freebie and give it a try in your business. I know it will give you clarity and limit your overwhelm moving into a successful year in real estate! And if you do try it, please take a pic of yourself with it and share it on social by tagging me @IdeasForRealEstate. I'd love to see how you're putting this impactful resource to use in your own business.

      Until next week, here's to smart, modern marketing that is achievable and leads to your success!

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